Energy-efficiency in Eynsham: A landlord’s journey to sustainability
A landlord in Eynsham, Oxfordshire, tackled persistent mould in a 1960s rental property. The measures implemented resulted in a higher EPC rating. Discover what he did and the impact it had.

The problem
This modest 1960s mid-terrace house in Marlborough Place, Eynsham, with its two bedrooms and cosy living spaces, had its share of challenges. The house, which features cavity walls and a traditional layout, had been battling significant condensation and mould growth, particularly on the bathroom ceiling and around the patio doors.
The motivation
The property’s landlord, Nicholas Goodwin, was worried about the mould problems, as well as climate change and the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions. Adding to these concerns was the suggestion that higher EPC ratings would be imposed for rented properties. These three converging factors prompted him to take action.
Before contacting Cosy Homes Oxfordshire, Nicholas had installers come by who promised to fix everything. After an inspection and lining up a grant, the workers backed out, saying they couldn’t proceed. In contrast, Cosy Homes Oxfordshire was far more informative, offering solutions and paying close attention to details.

Taking a whole house approach
Nicholas reached out to the Cosy Homes Oxfordshire team who provided a detailed assessment and came up with a Whole House Plan to transform the property. They installed a decentralised, continuous ventilation system that uses low-energy, quiet fans to extract moist air, with a boost function kicking in when humidity levels rise. To further improve the house’s comfort, they replaced all the old aluminium-framed double-glazed windows with new UPVC ones, complete with trickle vents, and installed a new patio door. They also increased the loft insulation to ensure better thermal efficiency.

The results
The improvements were immediate and impressive. The mould problem was brought under control, and the indoor environment became much healthier and more comfortable. Nicholas was pleased with the transformation.
He decided to postpone the cavity wall insulation due to the concrete Finlock gutters, which needed careful assessment before proceeding. These gutters can crack, potentially leading to water ingress, so caution was necessary.
Nicholas later saw a BBC report on the pitfalls of failed cavity wall insulation and felt reassured that by commissioning a Whole House Plan from Cosy Homes Oxfordshire, he had chosen a holistic approach, rather than going for a quick fix that could have turned a damp problem into an even bigger issue.

Increased EPC rating
Thanks to these improvements, the property achieved an EPC rating of 69 C, a significant step up, and a boost to his carbon-cutting efforts. There is even more potential on the horizon, as Nicholas is considering adding solar PV panels in the future, which could push the EPC rating much higher.
Nicholas’s journey with Cosy Homes Oxfordshire highlights the importance of a thorough, whole-house approach to energy efficiency. By addressing multiple aspects of the home’s performance, Cosy Homes Oxfordshire helped create a warmer, healthier, and more sustainable living space. Nicholas’s mid-terrace house is now not only more energy-efficient but also a cosier, more pleasant place for his tenants to live.
Reflecting on his experience, Nicholas noted: “Talking to Cosy Homes Oxfordshire was far more informative. They said where there are these problems, we could do this or that. They were just so much more on top of the details. I was really impressed. Now that we know someone who knows what they’re talking about, we hope to do something more in the future.”
Discover your own property’s potential
If you feel inspired, why not have a go with our free Plan Builder service? All you need to do is enter the postcode for your property. Using existing public data, this service will provide information about your property type, current energy usage, and suggest potential measures for improvement. Plan Builder serves as an initial introduction to the possibilities for your property and is the start of your energy-efficiency, carbon-busting, planet-saving journey.