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The whole house approach

We believe in a comprehensive, whole-house approach to home retrofitting. By examining your entire home, we explore the best ways to improve energy efficiency, reduce your carbon footprint, and create a cosy home.

A whole house retrofit means taking your property to near net-zero energy demand through multiple measures and retrofit work. Unlike fragmented upgrades, which often lead to unintended consequences, our holistic approach ensures all elements of your home work together harmoniously.

What is a home retrofit?

Retrofitting involves making changes to your home to enhance its energy efficiency. This can encompass various measures, such as installing solid wall or loft insulation, fitting new windows or doors, upgrading the heating system, implementing draught-proofing, or adding ventilation and solar panels. The options are wide-ranging.

At Cosy Homes Oxfordshire, we stand out for our comprehensive and personalised approach, leveraging deep local knowledge and strong connections with local contractors to ensure a smooth and tailored experience.

Planning matters

The Whole House Plan is your tailored home energy audit and retrofit recommendations report. Our trusted team will guide you through the planning and retrofitting process, ensuring it is quality-assured and cost-effective, offering maximum impact with minimal disruption.

Having the Whole House Plan does not oblige you to proceed with any work, nor does it mean that all the steps need to be carried out in a single phase. Most recommendations will provide two or three phases of retrofit work, each building on the previous one. Therefore, your Whole House Plan provides you with the tools and knowledge needed, serving as the key reference document for your home whenever the opportunity for additional improvements arises.

How a home assessment works

Watch how our Whole House Plan assessment transforms your home’s energy efficiency. Our expert assessor evaluates every aspect of your property to create a comprehensive strategy for improvements. See the process in action:

How to get started

Start by submitting a plan for your property through our free Plan Builder tool. All you need to do is enter the postcode for your property. Using existing public data, the tool will provide information about your property type, current energy usage, and suggest potential measures for improvement. The Plan Builder tool serves as an initial introduction to the possibilities for your property

Whole House Plan

We will then schedule an in-depth assessment of your property. Our experts will gather detailed data, which we will use to better understand the current state of your property and provide a far deeper, more accurate analysis of its potential.

Based on the assessment of your property, we will develop a comprehensive Whole House Plan. This plan outlines a long-term strategy to improve energy efficiency and raise your EPC rating, considering both immediate and future improvements.

Implementation and coordination

If you decide to proceed with the recommended measures, we will gather quotes from our network of trusted suppliers. Our Retrofit Coordinator team will oversee the entire process, from installation to quality assurance, ensuring that the work is completed to the highest standards.

Post-completion support

After the work is completed, we will conduct a final review to ensure everything meets your satisfaction and complies with the necessary standards. We will also help you update your EPC rating to reflect the improvements made.

“The Whole House Plan provided a holistic view of where we could make energy saving improvements. The written report is well structured, giving a good summary, and then goes into detail for the different options – including information about carbon footprint. Excellent value for money, and I have already recommended Cosy Homes Oxfordshire to several other people!”

Dr Heather Comina, Cosy Homes Oxfordshire client

What to expect

To get a better understanding of what a Whole House Plan includes, we encourage you to download two different sample Whole House Plans. These samples will give you a clear idea of the kind of detailed information and recommendations you can expect, including estimated costs and benefits for each stage of the retrofit process.

Our Whole House Plans are created following a comprehensive home assessment, where we gather information about your home and your ideas for improving it. These plans are designed to be ‘live’ documents, adaptable to suit changes in packages or the implementation of new ideas as they arise.

Sample Whole House Plan
Discover the potential of your home with a tailored Whole House Plan.

“We wanted to improve the thermal efficiency of our home to reduce our carbon footprint. That is when we found the dedicated Cosy Homes Oxfordshire service that provides great expertise, made recommendations to us in a Whole House Plan, and was able to help us organise contractors. It was brilliant.”

Andy Pedley, Cosy Homes Oxfordshire Client

Transform your home into an energy-efficient, cosy, eco-friendly haven with Cosy Homes Oxfordshire. Experience the perfect blend of modern living and sustainable practices. Get in touch to start your retrofit journey, or jump straight in with our free Plan Builder tool, which serves as an initial introduction to the possibilities for your property.

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