Government evaluation of existing Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for landlords
17 March 2021
The government has released their analysis of insights into how aware landlords and tenants are of existing Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) for rental properties in the UK, as well as how well landlords are complying with regulations.
A summary of initial conclusions is:
- Over 90% of landlords are aware of the standards, but only 80% fully understand them and the implications if landlords continue to rent properties rated an EPC F or G.
- Levels of awareness and understanding of the regulations are lower amongst individual landlords, those who only rent a small number of properties, and those who are not a member of a landlord body or use a letting/managing agent.
- The level of compliance to standards remains undetermined, but is not 100%. As of April 2020, there are approximately 129,557 properties in the UK whose most recent EPC suggests are not compliant to MEES.
- There was little evidence from landlord interviews that the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic significantly delayed compliance.
- The main energy efficiency improvements made by landlords of properties with a previous EPC rating of F or G have been new insulation and more energy efficient lighting