£1.8 billion awarded to boost energy efficiency
The Government has awarded £1.8 billion through Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, Home Upgrade Grant and Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to upgrade social homes and public buildings.
More than 115,000 homes across England are to get upgrades to improve their energy efficiency and save residents money on their bills as the government announces the allocation of nearly £2 billion in funding.
The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) Phase 2 will provide energy efficiency upgrades and low carbon heating via local authority funding, to households in England that are low income, off the gas grid or have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) between D and G.
The amount awarded to Oxfordshire County Council is £6,417,00. It may be delivered under mechanisms similar to the Sustainable Warmth Scheme.
Oxfordshire County Council
- Oxfordshire County Council
- funding: £6,417,000
- consortium members: Cherwell, South Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse.
“This vital investment is desperately needed. Low-income households, in the least efficient homes, are being hardest hit by the energy crisis and are having to pay hundreds of pounds more than the typical household just to heat and power their home to a minimum reasonable standard.”
Adam Scorer, Chief Executive of National Energy Action (NEA)

Overview of the funding being awarded across England:
- £1.4 billion to go to local authorities, providers of social housing and charities to upgrade homes and off-grid households with energy efficiency measures
- changes, including loft insulation and new windows, mean households could save between £220 and £400 on annual energy bills, with funding expected to support 20,000 jobs
- £409 million also awarded to reduce carbon emissions of hospitals, schools, museums, universities and other public sector buildings across England