Protected: Get up to £300 off a Whole House Plan
There is no excerpt because this is a protectedTired of feeling the cold at home? You’re not alone.
Ever feel like no matter how much you crank up the heating, your home just doesn’t stay warm? If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Research shows that one in five households in the UK is living in a poorly insulated home – letting heat (andCalling all Oxfordshire landlords and letting agents
Calling all landlords and letting agents – come and join us at the Oxford City Council Landlord & Agent Forum! We’ll be there on 6th November 2024 at the free, in-person session from 10am to 12:45pm, and we’d love to meet you! It’s the perfectWe don’t sell heat pumps… but these proud homeowners might.
With over 190 million installations around the world, the benefits are clear. Heat pumps use up to three times less energy than traditional gas boilers, meaning they lower your bills and reduce carbon emissions. They also can double up as air conditioners inTransforming a 1930s bungalow for a greener future
In a recent article, Paul Brown shares his journey of transforming his 1930s bungalow into a model of green living. Describing himself as a “solar nerd,” his enthusiasm for solar panels and eco-friendly upgrades is contagious, and his storyCosy Homes Oxfordshire features in The Sunday Times
We’re proud to share that Cosy Homes Oxfordshire has featured in The Sunday Times article titled "The Ultimate Guide To Insulation." This highlighted our commitment to making homes in Oxfordshire more energy-efficient, comfortable, and affordable to
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