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Exploring home retrofit options beyond Cosy Homes Oxfordshire?

At Cosy Homes Oxfordshire, we specialise in a whole house retrofit approach to retrofitting homes. We assess your entire house to provide tailored recommendations for maximum energy efficiency. This involves implementing various measures across different areas of your home.

Our method ensures that all components work together, preventing issues in the long run. We’ve seen problems arise in homes with scattered improvements made over the years.

We primarily work with homeowners in Oxfordshire, offering expertise in delivering whole-house retrofits. If you’re in Oxfordshire and seeking significant investment in energy-efficient retrofitting, Cosy Homes Oxfordshire is the ideal choice. We assess your entire home, providing customised energy efficiency solutions overseen by a Retrofit Coordinator to help guide you through the project.

However, we understand that our approach may not suit everyone. If you’re considering alternatives, we’re here to share our thoughts and recommendations.

Other RetrofitWorks schemes across the UK

RetrofitWorks are one of our three project partners, working on the delivery side of Cosy Homes Oxfordshire. They’re a big name when it comes to retrofit expertise, and they’re working on setting up similar schemes in other areas of the UK. If you’re based outside of Oxfordshire but interested in retrofitting your home, keep an eye on the ‘schemes’ page of their website to see if there’s one coming near you.

At the moment, they’re also working on Warmer Sussex, a programme based on the same expertise and process as Cosy Homes Oxfordshire is – delivering the same Whole House Plan service.

Find quotes from trusted contractors anywhere in the UK

If you’re looking to make simple or standalone retrofit improvements to your home (sometimes called ‘single measures’) – such as swapping your old boiler for a more efficient one, or changing your lighting to LED bulbs throughout – then it’s simpler and more cost-effective for you to source quotes and manage the project yourself rather than hire a building contractor.

If this sounds like you, we’d recommend having a look at Trustmark or the Buy With Confidence websites to find trusted building professionals near you. At Cosy Homes Oxfordshire, we are also only able to work with homeowners in Oxfordshire, but these websites are a great place to start if you aren’t based in the county. You could also contact your local authority to find out if there are any schemes working on retrofit near you.

If you do choose to manage your own retrofit project, it may still be worth having a Whole House Plan done with us, to make sure you have the full picture of the improvements that your home needs, across all the different options and areas of the home. An individual building contractor won’t have the overall expertise to give this full picture, so we’d always recommend doing this before committing to any work being done. You can also get an initial idea through our free Plan Builder tool.

Refer yourself (or someone else) to the Better Housing Better Health team

Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) is run by one of Cosy Homes Oxfordshire’s project partners, the National Energy Foundation. It’s a service providing vulnerable residents in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire with advice and grants to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, lowering bills and improving their health.

‘Vulnerable’ includes tenants who are receiving income-related benefits, have a low overall household income, or residents with vulnerability to the cold (including suffering from a long-term health condition, being in receipt of a non-means tested benefit, or living in a property that has a low energy performance).

If you live in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and you think you may be vulnerable, refer yourself to the Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) team to find out more about what funding and support is available. You can also refer someone else, so if there’s someone you’re concerned about, please get in touch with the BHBH team.

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